الأحد، 18 ديسمبر 2016

They launched an atrocious terrorist operation that shook the Egyptian street,

“Intellectual terrorism of Islamists is being trans- lated on the ground any time of every day in every place. This is what we saw in 
Egypt when Islamist terrorism hit a supposedly safe church where harm- less people go for worship. All Egyptians love this church, while the Islamists did not respect the feel- ings of Egyptians, Muslims and Christians. They have gone too far in their transgression and tyranny as they launched an atrocious terrorist operation that shook the Egyptian street,” columnist Abdulaziz Kh- reibet wrote for Al-Shahed daily.
“The bombing of the ancient Coptic Christian Church — adjacent to the cathedral on Dec 12, 2016 — during Christian celebrations towards the end of the calendar year targeted the security and stability in Egypt on one hand, and aimed at igniting sectarian and religious strife between Muslims and Christians on the other hand.
“The bombing killed more than 20 people and wounded 40 others, most of them women. This cowardly act reflects the meanness, backward cul- ture and ignorance of murderers who are definitely members of the Muslim Brotherhood — the banned terrorist group in Egypt — in retaliation for the posi- tions of this valiant community (Christians) on is- sues concerning the nation in general, and towards Egypt in particular.
“Those who carried out that heinous act look a lot like Islamist terrorists of DAESH and other groups. We do not rule out the involvement of the ‘Secret Service’ of the bankrupt Muslim Brotherhood.
“The blast in Al-Haram (Pyramids) on a Friday in front of a mosque claimed the lives of six Egyptian soldiers two days before the bombing of the church, as well as the assassination attempt of a Mufti in Egypt, are closely related to them and their ideology. Ignorant extremists and terrorists accuse anyone, who does not agree with them, of non-belief and in- fidelity, similar to what DAESH and sisters do.
“These criminals, murderers and terrorists are killing innocent and unarmed people who have pure hearts that are originally with peace, Islam and Mus- lims. The Copts of Egypt are integral parts of the wealth of the country. Some of them are intellectuals and thinkers. Their ancestors fought, along with Sal- adin, against the Crusaders as some of them served Islam in the past and still serve the Arab and Islamic nations, in addition to having great respect and gen- erosity for all human beings.
“This Islamist terrorist attack was aimed at push- ing for the return of the criminal Brotherhood to power and rule that they lost through the fall of one of their leaders, as well as to avenge for another lead-er who died in the hands of brave Egyptian security forces.
“We are waiting for a firm stand and direct con- demnation from clergymen first, before the people in charge of taking political decision against terrorists. Otherwise, these terrorists will continue to think they are doing well and are serving humanity. Intellectual terrorism is a crime against humanity. Damn terror- ism.” 

البدون أزمة دون لزمة

الأربعاء، 2 نوفمبر 2016

الأحد، 23 أكتوبر 2016

ما أسهل بيع الإنسان وشرائه

This organization is against the human

“The so-called ‘DAESH’ organization has difficul- ties understanding, translating and justifying texts. Since they do not use Islamic schools of law as refer- ence, they have created their own religion, beliefs and methods of worship and dealings,” columnist Abdul- Aziz Khuraibet wrote for Al-Shahid daily.
“This organization is against the Arab Islamic and Gulf social structure, specifically Kuwait. Its members have their own political interests and in the service of others who do not want peace and stability for the GCC countries, particularly Kuwait.
“Therefore, having sympathizers for this group amongst us is a grave danger at all levels, because we are one and Allah will not judge us based on our reli- gious affiliations. For those amongst us who still feel the urge to join this group, they should think twice before it’s too late. The bloodshed and destruction that you cause are not for religious purposes, they are for personal agenda. Moreover, the blood is for your brothers and sisters in humanity, before you even be- came brothers and sisters in the name of religion.”

السبت، 22 أكتوبر 2016

اجتهاد خاطئ ..