الخميس، 25 مايو 2017

he terrorists are primarily concerned with the reaction of the people and those who follow their activities

“The terrorists are primarily concerned with the reaction of the people and those who follow their activities. They look for support and allegiance and people who sympathize with them rather than their terrorist acts in different parts of the world,” column- ist Abdulaziz Khuraibet wrote for Al-Shahed daily.
“Here the main issue for the terrorists is how to pro- mote their deeds and win the attention of the media and various segments of the society including senior offi- cials in the government and the decision-makers.
“In order to achieve this goal, the terrorists care- fully select the places of attacks keeping in mind the best media coverage. This is what we saw on Sept 11, 2001, the attack that received extensive media cover- age immediately.
“The media was not only able to portray this ter- rorist action but also enabled people who were in the New York City, residents and tourists alike, to docu- ment it with pictures and videos and personal narra- tions. This event is still influential and its implica- tions are not only on the terrorists, but on the region.
“Indeed, the objectives of the terrorists are not lim- ited to gaining the attention of the masses as much as they aim at proliferation and expansion, and this is the slogan of these criminals. Moreover, they want to publicize their political issues and inform those sympathizing with them as well as the enemies the motives behind these acts of terrorism, this is done through the media and social networking sites.
“Through these sites, the terrorists justify resorting to the ‘Management of Savagery’ and holy violence under the cover of the word of Tawheed (Oneness of God), faith and defense of Islam and Muslims.
“The terrorists resort to justifying their despic- able acts that degrade human dignity and humanity through texts, misinterpretations and in the social media as a tool to reduce the disparity of persuasion and justification between the entity that they fight against, in actual war and ideology on the ground.
“They also create an atmosphere of fear and sus- picion and legalize their atrocious acts. Because of these motivations, the terrorists can carry out their at- tacks legitimately and strategically fully aware of the media impact on almost every segment of society and government officials at almost all levels.
“It is not an exaggeration if I say half of the terror- ist acts are actually committed by the social network- ing website and other media means. Therefore, we find political movements monitoring some accounts of the social networking websites because of their impact not only on the present but also on the future generations.
“We pray to Allah to have mercy on martyr and thinker Faraj Fouda of Egypt who had said terrorism can be confronted through Education, Economy and National Unity.”

الأحد، 21 مايو 2017

We do not accept the idea that the withdrawal of the nationalities was misleading and merely done to satisfy some people

“It is regrettable to read in the media and social net- working websites intentions and statements to reinstate the withdrawn nationalities after making sure that is what the people desire in a kind of bargain and deals situation,” columnist Abdulaziz Khuraibet wrote for Al-Shahed daily.
“This should have not been the case whatever the justifications and excuses because the issue is sensitive. Such issues should not be thrown to the wind so easily just because the committee which had been tasked to look into the matter is recommending returning the na- tionalities which is large done due to personal interests, making gains and courtesies because this was not what the committee was formed for.
“We are living in a State where every decision is is- sued on the basis of a study and a long-term review not subjected to pressure. If so, then what was the need to form the committee because our decisions overlap the political, security and social aspects of life? Deci- sions should be taken without looking at the priorities of every government official.
“Silence is golden, but now when issues such as these are being looked at because we seem to calm the situation temporarily before returning to square one since the problems then snowball in the midst of chaos and exaggeration, abuse of power because the law is not applied on every violator.
“We do not accept trading in issues at the expense of a citizen. We do not accept the idea that the withdrawal of the nationalities was misleading and merely done to satisfy some people who were intimidating and not due to fraud. This is at least what we hear from the rumors.
“The issue at hand is bigger than withdrawal or re- turning the nationalities of a number of individuals. The subject is related to the dignity of citizens and the nation they live in, it is a question of the rights of citi- zens in their country.
“The application of the law in principle should not be subjected to negotiations or disputes or doubted. No one has the right to threaten people with withdrawal of their nationalities just because the government method of administration and policy was criticized. If it is done to discipline somebody, I do not think the society will accept this.
“Let us be more frank. A lot of positions, especially political, are sold and purchased in exchange for in- terests without resorting to an option that cannot be accepted. Here, I mean the idea of shunning an entire family or individual and keeping them in the dark, striking at the base of the community without convic- tion or concrete evidence to prove the charges against them was the reason for withdrawal of citizenship.
“This is not a trump card with which to gamble, but the fate of a human being either to live in dignity or not. Living in Kuwait is with dignity, existence, entity and value.
“Justice shall not be harmed if a criminal is not pun-
ished as much as if he/she is treated unfairly, freedoms are violated through arbitrary arrests. This is not wis- dom, but a principle and light that guide us on the right path of justice.”

الأحد، 14 مايو 2017

Expatriates were and are partners in the building of our nation

“Expatriates were and are partners in the building of our nation. Therefore, why such negative stances against our expatriate brothers every time there are problems in the country? There is a lack of comprehension and understanding by some amongst us, as they tend to blame expatriates for everything wrong in times like the current period”, Abdulaziz Khuraibet wrote for Al-Shahed daily.
“They link the current phase with issues that have no basis at all. It does not make sense to place the burden represented by all our problems on those living here illegally or forgers and dual citizenship holders or even the large number of expatriates who are serving and working in their second country.
“Others have deviated from cases such as corruption and waged war on innocent expatriates, insisting that they are the cause for congestion in services and on roads, and that the expatriates are taking up huge part of this country‘s wealth. Why this hate and hostility? Some are even calling for imposing fees on expatriates for the use of roads, increasing fees for their health services and imposing taxes on their remittances.
“They have forgotten that the same expatriates espe- cially the Arabs among them had opened their doors for us during our time of crisis. They welcomed us in their homes with hospitality. We did not feel like strangers with them.
“This ugly racism is not part of the civilized human nature that we grew up with. We were taught to respect others, and that our Arab expatriates are brothers with whom we share very good relations that dates back to hundreds of years.”