الاثنين، 5 يونيو 2017

Kuwaitis who voted them into the National Assembly?

“Yesterday,  we heard that the parliament 
Committee for Review of Status of Illegal Citizens has approved bills for granting the Bedoun residents the right to education, medical treatment and issuance of passports, provided they are included in the 1965 cen- sus,” Abdulaziz Khuraibet wrote for Al-Shahed daily.
“In a statement, Chairman of the committee MP Al-Dousari said the committee members agreed unani- mously that Bedoun residents who are included in the 1965 census should be allowed to study in public schools like the children of Kuwaiti women married to expatriates and soldiers.
“Another member declared that the committee con- sidered the need to make easy procedures for enjoying services and maintaining amenities the country is pro- viding to that segment. These include Hajj and Umra issues over which they held a meeting with officials of Ministry of Foreign Affairs to continue deliberation on obstacles that prevent Bedoun residents from perform- ing Hajj and Umra with their counterparts in Saudi Arabia.
“This information became known to the public yes- terday, but the reality is that there have been spates of criticisms concerning the existence of such a commit- tee. Those people believe there should rather have been a committee handling the affairs and rights of citizens. On the contrary, many other people opine that illegal residents are treated unfairly by Kuwaiti government in all entitlements, grants and living standards.
“Truthfully, I don’t know what the feeling of any citizen is towards the committee that is trying to rec- ommend and approve by itself without being commit- ted to Kuwaitis who voted them into the National Assembly? What achievements should citizens expect from such a committee?”

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