“AT THE moment there are two effective projects in the region, the first is the project of the United States of America and the second is of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” columnist Abdulaziz Khuraibet wrote for Al- Shahed daily.
“Such being the case, all that we see today are strategic conflicts and tensions, regional and sectarian wars, civil wars, demographic change, and conflict of identity, which are the frontlines of the wars of countries that are trying to play a role in the region, either to become an ally to the vic- torious or to become a state based on a power of attorney.
“However, the two projects are between tide and ebb, but I think that the American project will be the winner in the region. This will happen if the US is not dragged into a world war, but the latter will not be as the previ- ous world wars and this can be attributed to a realis- tic, deep-rooted and radical reasons witnessed and are known to all observers who are concerned about what has occurred and is likely to occur in the region.
“In his book, Ahmet Davutoglu (former Turkish prime minister and foreign minister) spoke about the fact that the world is witnessing strategic transforma- tions and the transition of power centers, that there are declining forces and rising powers, and that the world is steadily changing.
“Keeping in line and confirming to what has been pro- pounded by Davutoglu, we found some entities in Eu- rope have called for breaking away from their homeland and demanded autonomy. Moreover, these entities are likely to witness more demands.
“In this context, we cite the example of the Kurds in Iraq who demanded autonomy and the establishment of an independent state in north Iraq and East Syria. Given the above, who knows the same case may be in Turkey and Iran in the near future.
“All these changes which currently prevail in the region are due to the effectiveness of the two projects mentioned above. As such any talk of strong powers here and military solution there is worth nothing in the strategic term.
“In this connection, if we compare between upcom- ing tactical victory and the strategic regional dimension in the long term, this comparison
will look like another project
that did not bear the fruits as de-
sired by the owners.
“Anyway, any settlement here and a victory there do not mean the failure of the project is based on capabilities and possibilities, positions and decisions of de- cisive and clear and explicit as declared by the United States of America in the region.
“In this respect, the American
strategic project coincides with
Iran’s tactical project and the latter will only bring de- struction and fire in the region, especially if the United States is dragged behind Israel, which is keen to ignite the war against Iran.
“The tools used by the two projects in the region will spark over the identities, national, ethnic, religious and sectarian components that have roots and extensions in the region and have history, stories, narratives and con- versations in this part of the world.
“In other words, these tools range between cracking terrorism and soft and bashful terrorism, but both inte- grate with each other against the desire of the parties, particularly following the appearance of the armed ter- rorist organizations and their involvement in carrying out terrorist operations.
“However, the absence of domination over these or- ganizations, these activities are based on reactions but not sudden action.
“In this connection, we elucidate that since the sudden appearance of the Iranian revolution up to the appearance of the so- called State of the Khelafat and the rise and down- fall of the ‘Satan Brothers’ along with their coalitions and contradictions, the appearance of the unexpected surprises will continue during the upcoming days until the American project declares its decisive resolution.”
“Such being the case, all that we see today are strategic conflicts and tensions, regional and sectarian wars, civil wars, demographic change, and conflict of identity, which are the frontlines of the wars of countries that are trying to play a role in the region, either to become an ally to the vic- torious or to become a state based on a power of attorney.
“However, the two projects are between tide and ebb, but I think that the American project will be the winner in the region. This will happen if the US is not dragged into a world war, but the latter will not be as the previ- ous world wars and this can be attributed to a realis- tic, deep-rooted and radical reasons witnessed and are known to all observers who are concerned about what has occurred and is likely to occur in the region.
“In his book, Ahmet Davutoglu (former Turkish prime minister and foreign minister) spoke about the fact that the world is witnessing strategic transforma- tions and the transition of power centers, that there are declining forces and rising powers, and that the world is steadily changing.
“Keeping in line and confirming to what has been pro- pounded by Davutoglu, we found some entities in Eu- rope have called for breaking away from their homeland and demanded autonomy. Moreover, these entities are likely to witness more demands.
“In this context, we cite the example of the Kurds in Iraq who demanded autonomy and the establishment of an independent state in north Iraq and East Syria. Given the above, who knows the same case may be in Turkey and Iran in the near future.
“All these changes which currently prevail in the region are due to the effectiveness of the two projects mentioned above. As such any talk of strong powers here and military solution there is worth nothing in the strategic term.
“In this connection, if we compare between upcom- ing tactical victory and the strategic regional dimension in the long term, this comparison
will look like another project
that did not bear the fruits as de-
sired by the owners.
“Anyway, any settlement here and a victory there do not mean the failure of the project is based on capabilities and possibilities, positions and decisions of de- cisive and clear and explicit as declared by the United States of America in the region.
“In this respect, the American
strategic project coincides with
Iran’s tactical project and the latter will only bring de- struction and fire in the region, especially if the United States is dragged behind Israel, which is keen to ignite the war against Iran.
“The tools used by the two projects in the region will spark over the identities, national, ethnic, religious and sectarian components that have roots and extensions in the region and have history, stories, narratives and con- versations in this part of the world.
“In other words, these tools range between cracking terrorism and soft and bashful terrorism, but both inte- grate with each other against the desire of the parties, particularly following the appearance of the armed ter- rorist organizations and their involvement in carrying out terrorist operations.
“However, the absence of domination over these or- ganizations, these activities are based on reactions but not sudden action.
“In this connection, we elucidate that since the sudden appearance of the Iranian revolution up to the appearance of the so- called State of the Khelafat and the rise and down- fall of the ‘Satan Brothers’ along with their coalitions and contradictions, the appearance of the unexpected surprises will continue during the upcoming days until the American project declares its decisive resolution.”
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