الأربعاء، 28 سبتمبر 2016

Terrorism creation of DAESH’ Muslims unite, protect religion’

“THE acute struggle and the tense atmosphere in
both Syria and Iraq shall pave the way for a ‘holy
violence’ in the long run and the accompanying
violence will have a broader dimension to reshape
the entire region on sectarian basis,” columnist
Abdulaziz Khuraibet wrote for Al-Shahed daily
“It is needless to say sectarian terrorism is currently
threatening the region and unless it is encountered
in the right perspective the accompanying
problems will aggravate and this will not help
anybody in this part of the world.
“In this connection, we refer to some valuable
adages about the variety of sects, doctrines and
religions in one country. One of these adages say,
‘The different sects represent grace, but sectarianism
brings disgrace’.
“The Lebanese philosopher Jibran Khalil Jibran
said ‘woe to the nation which has a lot of sects and
doctrines but is void of religion’. In this context,
we would like to point out that the religion represents
a collective factor and the commitment to
the same is a duty and nobody can snatch this right
from anyone in the realm of commitment to the
very existence.
“In other words, the followers of every sect and
doctrine reserve the right to existence. Each sect
and doctrine reserves the right to have its own characteristics
and nature and nobody
will be allowed to snatch
this right of existence or marginalize
the same.
“Apart from the above, nobody
will be allowed to cast
doubts on this right or terrify
people to refute the religious and
doctrinal beliefs in the name of
defending Islam. In other words,
worshipping Almighty Allah
cannot be done by disobeying
Him. We must keep in mind that
Satan is working to misguide the Muslims.
“Such being the case, handling the complicated
problem of sectarianism, cannot be realized
through hopes but through moderation that can be
adopted by those who lean toward sectarian tendencies,
because this is not moderation, but individual
manner of thinking and doesn’t exceed a
self dialogue without reaching to any type of acceptable
outcome under an atmosphere of accusations
and doubts.
“Consequently, we suggest that the nation is in
an imperative need of trustworthy scholars and officials
from various sects who carry the weight and
are trusted by the people in their respective sects
before discussing the differences among these sects
and come out with common viewpoints related to
various issue and then issue a joint communiqué to
keep the people fully aware of what is happening
and eventually enable them to realize that there is
no difference among Muslims who are represented
by their various sects and doctrines.
“Not just that, the suggested communiqués
should tell the public that Muslim sects and doctrines
are in agreement over a lot of issues and
the differences revolve only around minor issues
where Muslims can deal leniently with each other
over these things.
“Such being the case, fanaticism to which some
Muslim extremists are linked deal with other Muslims
in the most unjustifiable manner at a time
when all Muslims must show keenness to protect
their religion.
“It is needless to say extremism and terrorism is
the creation of DAESH and people who promote
similar ideology and those who harbor hostility
against humanity in the name of defending Islam
although no Muslim has authorized them to do so
or practice terrorism under false slogans and carrying
out suicide attacks.”


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