الجمعة، 23 سبتمبر 2016

The Arabs and Muslims suffer from complicated dogmatic problems

“The Arabs and Muslims at the
moment suffer from complicated
dogmatic problems which have
been forced upon them and understanding
the construal of the relevant
texts in addition to abusing the
same and this means those in charge
(senior state offi cials) must be invited
to set up a clear cut strategy to
fi ght sectarianism and terrorism simultaneously
instead of waiting for
the subverting thought of the terrorists
and extremists to gain ground
and uproot sedition, particularly
during the religious occasions,” columnist
Abdulaziz Khuraibet wrote
for Al-Shahed daily Thursday.
“As a matter of fact, the ‘contemporary
terrorists’ have gained
a lot of professional expertise that
qualifi es them to recruit the same
to convince any human being of
their beliefs, particularly those who
tilt to keep in line with their whims
and ideology based on committing
crimes in the name of defeating the
terrorist organizations in the name
of defending Almighty Allah and
the believers.
“In other words, these organizations
are ready to kill anyone who
does not tow their line. They don’t
actually fi re shots or plant bombs
randomly to target some individuals,
rather they kill and instigate
others to kill to continue with their
terrorist activities while at the same
time casting doubts on the reputation,
honor and though of any communal
component that may threaten
their very existence and expansionism.
“In this context, we say those
who promote sectarianism are always
involved in agitating terrorism
through Satellite TV channels and
social media. Not just that, those
who get involved in dialogue allege
that dialogue among the various
doctrines and religions was methodically
designed to recruit the terrorists
to defend the fatwas (edicts)
which called for murder, terrorism
and trading in religion by promoting
fanaticism and extremism and global
terrorism whose job is to strike at
the vital installations of the nations.
“It is needless to say promoting
sectarianism in a specifi c country is
actually aimed at serving terrorism
and the organizations which embrace
the call for ‘sacred violence’
and brainwashing the youth.
“In other words, the tools of the
terrorist organizations are no longer
confi ned to military weapons and
terrorist plans, rather they mostly
depending on certain ideas which
are easy to convey to others in any
community and at any time in order
to reach a phase under which
the task of fi ghting this misguided
thought will be too diffi cult.
“In this connection, we suggest
fi ghting terrorism foremost rests in
cutting the throats and muting the
voices of those who promote sectarianism
and those who exploit the
social media in particular to promote
their thoughts.
“Not just that, they also exploit
doctrinal and religious differences
to instigate murder and terrorism to
serve the selfi sh interests and surmounting
humanity at large.”

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